
Muscle Car Seat Foam

Classic Car Interior Restoration

Restored bucket seats in a classic car with new seat foam

Figure 1:Very nicely restored front bucket seats using new seat foam

Of the four components that make up your muscle car’s front bucket seat (seat frame, seat springs, seat foam, and upholstery), seat foam is an item that serves multiple functions in that it will determine the level of comfort and support the driver and passengers experience. A wrinkle-free upholstery installation project is dependent having a proper fit from your new muscle car seat foam.

Did you know that the components that makeup seat foam breaks down over time? Seat foam should be considered a perishable item and just like the upholstery that covers it, will require replacement over time.

Deteriorated seat foam from a classic muscle car

Figure 2: What your cars original foam will look like after 50 years of use

Muscle car seat foam that is in many of the classic 60’s and 70’s Camaro, Chevelle, and Nova’s are 50+ years old. The original open-celled seat foam was susceptible to breaking down at an advanced rate and will make its demise known with the tell-tale fine yellow dust that will line the seat bottom creases or beneath the seat on the carpet.

Wrinkled classic car seat upholstery over old seat foam

Figure 3: New seat upholstery over old foam results in hard to remove wrinkles

Other indicators that your muscle car’s seat foam needs to be replaced are loose or baggy seat upholstery, or when the seats’ occupants begin to feel the seat springs when sitting in the front bucket seats. If your project’s seats exhibit any of the above your seat foam has seen better days and needs replacement.

New molded seat foam to replace old seat foam

Figure 4:Installer adding foam of unknown density to repair original foam

Molded seat foam is a critical component of how a seat upholstery fits. It’s tempting to only purchase seat upholstery when updating or restoring your muscle car’s front bucket seats, especially if you’re paying someone to install them for you.

When the installer has to repair or add foam to your old aging foam to create proper foam dimensions, they will need to charge for that service and they will be adding new foam on top of old foam that will continue to age and break down. It’s a recipe for disappointment and ill-fitting seat upholstery down the line.

New seat foam made from closed celled foam

Figure 5:New seat foam includes required "listings" for installation

Modern seat foam, like the seat foam made by PUI Interiors out of Kentucky is molded to exacting shapes using closed cell, memory type foam similar to the type of foam that we have come to know in our late model cars and trucks. New seat foam in your classic muscle car will provide the comfort and support we expect while providing the perfect foundation for a quality seat upholstery installation.

The high-quality molded seat foam available from First Place Auto Parts comes with everything you or your installer needs to restore one bucket seat (for two seats you will need to order two foams). Items such as the pre-molded channels that will be used when hog ringing your new upholstery are present as are the glued on “Listings” or flaps that will be used to secure the new seat foam to the frame.

The front bucket seats are where you “feel” your car every time you slide behind the wheel. When it comes to restoring your front bucket seats or replacing the upholstery take a good look at your old seat foam and consider replacing it with a modern set of high-density molded seat foam designed to fit your make and model car perfectly. It will be money well spent.

To find the largest selection of classic car restoration and performance car parts for your American Muscle Car go to First Place Auto Parts. The web site is easy to navigate, has thousands of name brand parts at competitive pricing and is powered by car enthusiasts just like you!

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